Opportunity Knocks for Brenda Marsh
The paperwork behind bringing one person on to Opportunity Knocks

About the author
Milo Lewis was a producer and director at ABC Weekend Television
The paperwork behind bringing one person on to Opportunity Knocks
Milo Lewis was a producer and director at ABC Weekend Television
Thank you very much for a very entertaining article,TV history at its best…
Milo Lewis was also my mentor during the days that I was appointed Trainee Director. We became great friends over many years and taught me so much. I shall be forever grateful to this incredibly Charismatic man. Those who knew him will remember his optimistic character and presence.
Equity meetings were never quite the same after Brenda left. A lovely lady. End of an era
Hi, I found this excellent page after searching for details of Brenda Marsh, I have an audio file I recovered off a reel to reel tape of Brenda’s appearance on Opportunity Knocks. Happy to share it if you are interested.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this great article and I may have even watched the particular edition of Opportunity Knocks that the late Brenda Marsh appeared in. Opportunity Knocks was always watched in our household on Saturday evenings.