Opportunity Knocks for Brenda Marsh


The paperwork behind bringing one person on to Opportunity Knocks


The application form

Success… and failure

ABC letter
Brenda's audition for OpKnox is successful, and she is invited to appear on the 1966 series
ABC letter
But it's not to be - space was not found for her in that series.

Another attempt…

ABC letter
A second invite, this time to appear on the 1967 series.


ABC letter
Over three pages, Milo Lewis explains the arrangements for the 10 June 1967 show.

Hughie Green writes…

Hughie Green letter

The contracts department

ABC contract
Contract for appearance on 22 June 1968 show.
ABC contract
Contract for appearance on 15 June 1968 winners show

OpNox appearance

Audio courtesy of tape collector and archivist Kevin Ellis, with thanks.

Official publicity photograph

Brenda's 1968 single

Not to be confused with…

Display ad from The Stage
Display ad from The Stage for 17 October 1968. The other Brenda Marsh changed her stage name to Willa Forrest.

An on-going career

Display ad from The Stage
Display ad from The Stage for 22 May 1980

And a successful second career too

Letter to The Stage
Letter published by The Stage on 13 July 2000 by outgoing Equity council member for variety Brenda Marsh
Excerpt from the Equity annual report
Excerpt from Equity's annual report for 2014, noting Brenda's retirement as Secretary of the variety branch.
From Equity's magazine
Brenda's obituary from Equity's members magazine for Autumn 2020.

About the author

Milo Lewis was a producer and director at ABC Weekend Television

5 thoughts on “Opportunity Knocks for Brenda Marsh

  1. Milo Lewis was also my mentor during the days that I was appointed Trainee Director. We became great friends over many years and taught me so much. I shall be forever grateful to this incredibly Charismatic man. Those who knew him will remember his optimistic character and presence.

  2. Hi, I found this excellent page after searching for details of Brenda Marsh, I have an audio file I recovered off a reel to reel tape of Brenda’s appearance on Opportunity Knocks. Happy to share it if you are interested.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this great article and I may have even watched the particular edition of Opportunity Knocks that the late Brenda Marsh appeared in. Opportunity Knocks was always watched in our household on Saturday evenings.

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